Sounder beacon combinations are dual function warning devices. They integrate a beacon lamp and an audible sounder to form an audio visual alarm. Sounder beacon combinations come with different tones incorporating high frequencies, low frequencies and industry-standard frequency patterns. They have different colour lenses to give an enhanced warning signal. They also have a wide […]
The NEOZED fuse system is primarily used in distribution technology and industrial switchgear assemblies. The system is easy to use and is also approved for domestic installation. The MINIZED switch disconnectors are primarily used in switchboard assemblies and control engineering. They are approved for switching […]
Optocouplers are electronic devices which are designed to transfer electrical signals by using light waves. They have a range of uses in both domestic and industrial applications – often used on building sites. The purpose of an optocoupler is to stop rapidly changing voltages or high voltages on one side of a circuit from manipulating […]
The SITOP PSU6200 product family is the new standard power supply for customers with extreme technical requirements regarding reliability, efficiency and integration. It is suitable for many fields of application, particularly in the industrial environment, such as series machine building. The SITOP PUS6200 represents the state-of-the-art and takes the SITOP product portfolio into new dimensions […]
A variable frequency drive (VFD) is an electronic device that controls the speed of the AC induction motors. It has always been useful to control the speed of electric motors used in industry. Nearly every process that uses a motor will benefit from speed control. Not only is the process generally improved, but in many […]
The 3RK modular safety system (MSS) is a freely parameterizable modular safety system. Depending on the external circuit version, safety-related applications up to Performance Level e according to EN ISO 13849-1 or SIL 3 according to IEC 62061 can be realised. The […]
The PSWZ X1P is used for safe standstill monitoring. The unit is designed for use with standstill monitoring at plants with dangerous machine parts or tools in safety circuits in accordance with EN 60204-1. Standstill is only detected on power-free measuring circuits. Residual […]
Pilz is a solution supplier for all automation functions, including standard control functions. Developments from Pilz protect man, machine and the environment; that’s why all their experience and knowledge goes into individual products as well as consistently sophisticated system solutions. Pilz has […]