IDEM Universal Gate Box integrates PROFINET with PROFIsafe safety protocols for use with industry recognised industrial Ethernet networking capabilities. The benefits of using PROFIsafe include a reduced number of components, less wiring, fewer cabinets, faster installation, and faster commissioning. It’s possible to view the health of each module and other status information through messaging as […]
IDEM Python Belt Alignment Switches are mounted on sections of plant conveyors to protect against excessive belt drift due to an unintentional movement. They can be fitted at appropriate points along the conveyor length to ensure that should the belt position drift, the roller arm of the switch will move to a pre-determined position and […]
IDEM Emergency Stop Switches are used by operators to shut down a machine, system, or process. Emergency Stop (E-Stop) Switches are mounted on machines and sections of plant conveyors that cannot be protected by guards. In combination with any dual channel safety monitoring controllers these switches can be used as emergency stop devices and monitored […]
IDEM Type 4 Safety Light Curtains for finger and hand protection offer the user maximum accessibility to a machine or production line by removing or complementing the requirement for mechanical guarding. Manufacturing processes that require operator access to the dangerous area can be performed quickly and with the minimum of interruption to production flow. Machines […]
Designed to be mounted on machines and sections of conveyors which cannot be protected by guards. In contrast to traditional mushroom head type emergency stop buttons, Grab Wire Safety Rope Switches can initiate the emergency command from any point along the installed rope length and provide robust Emergency Stop Rope Pull protection for exposed conveyors […]