Siemens has been designing and manufacturing medium and high-voltage surge arresters for standard and special applications since 1925. Continuous research and development, the wealth of Siemens know-how and comprehensive worldwide experience gives Siemens surge arresters a leading edge in overvoltage protection. Their uncompromising quality ensures a long service life and reliability in any application. Valuable […]
The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 require employers to provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel to ensure their employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill at work. These regulations to apply to all workplaces including those with less than five employees and to the self-employed. It is […]
DIN rails are the long metal strips that form the core part of a global industry standard component rail-mounting system in equipment cabinet racks. DIN rails are designed for securely attaching electrical and industrial control products – such as circuit breakers, terminal blocks, power supplies, actuators, solenoids, etc – inside a typical equipment rack housing […]
Rittal offers a range of stand systems that will meet all your ergonomic and technical requirements. Strong pillars for your application; they are suitable for secure accommodation of cables in every enclosure type. DBI Control drill holes into the floor of these stand systems and attach rubber feet to bring them slightly higher off the ground, […]
Phoenix Contact have a large selection of safety coupling relays for reliably monitoring the functional safety in your machine. The advantages include … Large selection of switching devices for different safety functions High product availability, thanks to proven safety technology Fast installation and start-up with user-friendly connection technology Space-saving, thanks to the narrow design Safety […]
The use of electricity can generate hot surfaces or sparks which can ignite an explosive atmosphere. If there is enough of the substance, mixed with air, then all it needs is a source of ignition to cause an explosion. Explosions can cause loss of life and serious injuries as well as significant damage. An explosive […]
Euchner is a world-leading company in the area of industrial safety technology. Euchner has been developing and producing high-quality switching systems for mechanical and systems engineering for more than 60 years. Euchner products range from electromechanical and electronic components to intelligent integrated safety solutions. Safety for people, machines and products is one of the dominant […]
Condition monitoring systems are used for condition-based maintenance of machines and installations. They help to detect machine damage in good time and prevent costly consequential damage. Measuring systems such as magnetic-inductive or ultrasonic flow meters detect the three process categories: Flow quantity Consumed quantity Medium temperature They are frequently used in cooling circuits, e.g. in […]
Hydrofluoric acid is a solution of hydrogen fluoride (HF) in water. It is a precursor to almost all fluorine compounds, including pharmaceuticals such as fluoxetine, diverse materials such as PTFE and elemental fluorine itself. It is a colourless solution that is highly corrosive, capable of dissolving many materials, especially oxides. Its ability to dissolve glass […]
Have the recent record high temperatures got you thinking about increased panel cooling? The best way to ensure this is to manage the risk of component failure and reduced life expectancy for your Rittal cooling solutions. Fans and fan filters are used in every industry where heat is generated and the machinery or components around it […]